5 Things To Keep In Mind While Making Your Dissertation Proposal

The proposal section of your dissertation is one of the most important aspects of your essay; therefore, it is important that you write the work to a high standard. In order to assist you when composing this particular aspect of your work, Mypaperwriter suggests five things that you should keep in mind.

  1. Include details about any objectives that you may have
  2. As part of your proposal, you should be aiming to inform the reader about a variety of things relating to the work that you will do. As a result, one of the most important things that you will need to do is inform the reader about the objectives of your work.

  3. Highlight any research methods that you may use
  4. In order to give the reader a better understanding about how you will get the work done, you should indicate any research methods that you may intend to use. You do not necessarily need to include every single method; however, you should point out any of the key methods, and how you will use them.

  5. Explain why you have chosen to research the topic you will be working on
  6. Another important aspect of the proposal is explaining why it is that you have chosen to write about the particular topic that you will be discussing in your work. You may include details of why you found it interesting, as well as why you think your work will be of benefit. Essentially, you want to convince people not only to read your work, but that your work is worthwhile.

  7. Give details of any plans and time frames that you may have in mind
  8. In terms of providing details relating to the planning side of things, you should refer to any time frames that you might have. In order to do this, you should spend some time thinking of exactly what it is that you will need to do, as well as how long it will realistically take - it is important that any plans are a realistic reflection of what needs to be done.

  9. Refer to any of the relevant papers that have been written about the subject
  10. Ideally, there will be other relevant papers written about the subject that you are going to be discussing, which you can then refer to as part of your proposal.