All To Know About An Undergraduate Dissertation Marking Criteria

A dissertation is a common task that all final year students receive. It is a very important assignment where in the school/college provides the students the option of self-learning. This where the students are given the option of choosing their own area of interest and research on a self-declared question. That is a question that addresses a valid cause or being with respect to the area of interest. The students are expected to develop a sense of responsibility in this process of knowledge procurement. The main purpose of a dissertation is to put in a well-documented format of all the steps undertaken by the student-the research, the finding, observations, comparisons, results and the interpretation made. Acustom dissertation consists of the following important parts like the title page, abstract, acknowledgement, a list of contents in the paper, a list of tables as well as a list of figures, an index of all the chapters being discussed, references made, appendices and presentation requirements like top margins, page numbers and others as such.

Important Criteria To Evaluate The Thesis

The four most important criteria upon which a thesis is evaluated are, first, the depth of research done throughout, second, the quality of the discussion being stated in the report, thirdly, the amount of knowledge exhibited and lastly, the manner of presentation(including organization of the whole process and formatting). The depth of research is a predominant factor in preparing a paper. The literature research done, the foundation of your paper is judged here. Whether or not you have undertaken the amount of research need of you with respect to the topic of the paper, is the deciding factor here. But them irrelevant research is also not advised. The quality of discussion is to do with the observation, comparisons made with following subsequent arguments and analysis. Remember never to stray away from the main scope of the paper. Pick out the major topics in the field, discuss them and draw parallels between one or two issues of the same kind. This gives an image of knowing more than what you do.

Next is the range of knowledge you manage to exhibit through your paper. Remember to justify the points and cross reference it. Never make baseless assumptions. Make real life references, state facts and if possible real life implementation of the topic.

Last is the presentation. Here make sure your idea flows freely and continuously. Ensure that anyone who reads your report can understand clearly what you are trying to say.